Sparkle is a library that leverages the power of PureScripts type system to automatically create user interfaces based on type signatures.

The internal mechanism of this library is similar to QuickCheck. However, instead of using randomly generated input data, Sparkle creates reactive web interfaces for "interactive testing". It uses the Flare library to create those widgets.


To demonstrate the basic functionality of Sparkle, consider these functions from the standard libraries:

1 length :: String -> Int
2 charCodeAt :: Int -> String -> Maybe Int
3 joinWith :: String -> Array String -> String
1 partition ::  a. (a -> Boolean) -> Array a -> { yes :: Array a
2                                                , no  :: Array a }

To create the interactive user interfaces, the only thing we have to do is to call "sparkle":

 1 module Test.Main where
 3 import Prelude
 5 import Data.Array (partition)
 6 import Data.Int (even)
 8 import Data.String (length, charCodeAt, joinWith)
10 import Sparkle
12 main = do
13   sparkle "length"         length
14   sparkle "charCodeAt"     charCodeAt
15   sparkle "joinWith"       joinWith
16   sparkle "partition even" (partition even)

This creates the following widgets for us:

Notice how the type signatures are used to automatically create appropriate input fields for String, Int, Array String as well as Array Int. The type signature of the return types is used for syntax highlighting (and for generating mouse-over hints).

Interactive documentation

Sparkle widgets can be useful when writing module documentations. Suppose we have a function
mixHSL :: Color -> Color -> Number -> Color
that we want to document. Sparkle already has support for the Color type, but a general-purpose Number input would not be very helpful, as the value should be in the interval [0, 1]. Sparkle provides a newtype SmallNumber that limits the values to this interval (and changes the input to a slider). Using this trick, we can auto-generate the following widget:
For a full interactive documentation page, see these examples.

Sparkle test cases

The following widgets are interactive tests for Sparkle itself. The first few tests show the identity function id with monomorphized type annotations, for example id :: Int -> Int or id :: Tuple Int String -> Tuple Int String. Later tests showcase some complex output types.

Custom input fields

What if you want to test your own library with custom data types? Suppose we want to create a test for the following function from Data.String.Regex:
1 match :: Regex -> String -> Maybe (Array (Maybe String))
Sparkle provides the type class Flammable (analogous to QuickChecks Arbitrary):
1 class Flammable a where
2   spark ::  e. UI e a
Instances must provide a way to create a Flare user interface (UI) which holds a value of type a.

To avoid orphan instances, we create a newtype wrapper and write a Flammable instance for the newtype:
1 newtype TRegex = TRegex Regex
3 instance flammableTRegex :: Flammable TRegex where
4   spark = fieldset "Regex" $ TRegex <$>
5             (regex <$> string "Pattern" "fo+"
6                    <*> (parseFlags <$> string "Flags (g,i,m)" "g"))
Then, we can use "sparkle" as before:
1 sparkle "match" $ \(TRegex regex) string -> match regex string
to create the following interactive test: